Thursday, October 18, 2012

Scripting CREATE INDEX Statements Automatically From Your Table Indexes

Just thought I'd share a script I wrote recently to get full CREATE INDEX statements (including filters, filegroup information and all the WITH options) from existing indexes you have.  This is useful when duplicating tables, e.g. when you use SELECT * INTO... you'll find you leave your NC indexes behind.  Or if you're dropping some indexes and want to be able to recreate them in a hurry.

When I Googled for this I couldn't find a single satisfactory solution to this problem, so here's mine.  Tested OK, read all the comments and if you want to test it for yourself, you'll find some test code to create sample objects at the end of the code segment.


dbo.recreateIndexes ( @schema_name VARCHAR(100) = NULL, @table_name VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL, @sort_in_tempdb BIT = 0, @statistics_norecompute BIT = 0, @drop_existing BIT = 0, @online BIT = 0, @maxdop TINYINT = 1, @data_compression BIT = 0, @data_compression_type VARCHAR(4) = 'NONE' ) AS BEGIN /* Title: recreateIndexes Summary: Procedure to script out full CREATE INDEX statements for non-clustered indexes. Author: Derek Colley,, blog: Date: 18/10/2012 --- Parameters: @schema_name VARCHAR(100) -- the schema name of the table to find indexes for, optional. @table_name VARCHAR(MAX) -- the table name of the table to find indexes for, optional. @sort_in_tempdb BIT = 0 -- defines whether or not to create the index using TEMPDB @statistics_norecompute BIT = 0 -- defines whether to UPDATE STATISTICS after index creation @drop_existing BIT = 0 -- specifies whether to drop an existing index of the same name @online BIT = 0 -- specifies whether to do the operation online (unavailable sub-Enterprise edition) @maxdop TINYINT = 1 -- max degree of parallelism, play with this at your peril @data_compression BIT = 0 -- whether you want data compression on your indexes @data_compression_type VARCHAR(4) = 'NONE' -- valid parameters are 'NONE', 'PAGE', 'ROW'. Set @data_compression = 1 too. Behaviour: Returns full CREATE INDEX statements to console (Messages tab). Limitations: 1) Although some WITH parameters are drawn from sys.indexes, the procedure parameters are set in stone for all indexes. 2) I'm using a cursor :-( 3) Limited to NONCLUSTERED indexes only at present. To be fair your CLUSTERED index should be scripted at CREATE TABLE time. Misc: 1) I have included some commented-out test code you can use to create some indexes to test this procedure on. 2) I've not included functionality to pick a database or (linked) server, simple enough so mod if you like. 3) Use this procedure at your own risk, ALWAYS test on your test/QA BEFORE deploying to production. 4) If you find any errors or can improve upon this code, tell me! E-mail address above. 5) Tested on SQL Server Std Ed 2008 SP2 successfully. */ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [tempdb].[sys].[objects] WHERE [name] LIKE '#indexProperties%') DROP TABLE #indexProperties SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(t.[schema_id]) [schema_name], t.[name] [table_name], i.[name] [index_name], c.[name] [column_name], ic.key_ordinal [column_position], i.[type_desc] [index_type], i.fill_factor [fill_factor], i.is_padded [is_padded], i.is_disabled [is_disabled], i.[allow_row_locks] [allow_row_locks], i.[allow_page_locks] [allow_page_locks], i.has_filter [has_filter], i.filter_definition [filter_definition], ic.is_included_column [is_included], ic.is_descending_key [is_descending_key], i.[ignore_dup_key] [ignore_dup_key], i.data_space_id [data_space_id] INTO #indexProperties FROM sys.indexes i INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON i.[object_id] = t.[object_id] INNER JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id AND ic.column_id = c.column_id WHERE i.[name] IS NOT NULL AND i.type_desc = 'NONCLUSTERED' AND SCHEMA_NAME(t.[schema_id]) = CASE WHEN @schema_name IS NULL THEN SCHEMA_NAME(t.[schema_id]) ELSE @schema_name END AND t.[name] = CASE WHEN @table_name IS NULL THEN t.[name] ELSE @table_name END ORDER BY i.[name], ic.index_column_id ASC DECLARE @schemaName VARCHAR(MAX), @tableName VARCHAR(MAX), @indexName VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @colList VARCHAR(MAX), @includedColList VARCHAR(MAX), @withOptions VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @fillFactor INT, @is_padded BIT, @is_disabled BIT, @allow_page_locks BIT, @allow_row_locks BIT DECLARE @is_filtered BIT, @filterDefinition VARCHAR(MAX), @ignoredupkey BIT, @filegroup VARCHAR(100) DECLARE cur_ForEachIndex CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT DISTINCT ip.[schema_name], ip.[table_name], ip.[index_name] FROM #indexProperties ip OPEN cur_ForEachIndex FETCH NEXT FROM cur_ForEachIndex INTO @schemaName, @tableName, @indexName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- aggregate the main columns SELECT @colList = ISNULL(@colList,'') + ip.[column_name] + ', ' FROM #indexProperties ip WHERE ip.[schema_name] = @schemaName AND ip.[table_name] = @tableName AND ip.index_name = @indexName AND ip.is_included = 0 ORDER BY ip.column_position ASC -- trim the trailing comma SET @colList = LEFT(@colList,(LEN(@colList) - 1)) -- aggregate the included columns SELECT @includedColList = ISNULL(@includedColList,'') + ip.[column_name] + ', ' FROM #indexProperties ip WHERE ip.[schema_name] = @schemaName AND ip.[table_name] = @tableName AND ip.index_name = @indexName AND ip.is_included = 1 -- trim the trailing comma SET @includedColList = LEFT(@includedColList,(LEN(@includedColList) - 1 )) -- now get special options per index SELECT @fillFactor = ip.fill_factor, @is_padded = ip.is_padded, @is_disabled = ip.is_disabled, @allow_row_locks = ip.[allow_row_locks], @allow_page_locks = ip.[allow_page_locks], @is_filtered = ip.[has_filter], @filterDefinition = ip.[filter_definition], @ignoredupkey = ip.[ignore_dup_key], @filegroup = fg.[name] FROM #indexProperties ip LEFT JOIN sys.filegroups fg ON ip.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id WHERE ip.[schema_name] = @schemaName AND ip.[table_name] = @tableName AND ip.index_name = @indexName -- deliver an output PRINT 'CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [' + @indexName + '] ON [' + @schemaName + '].[' + @tableName + '] (' + @colList + ') ' + CASE WHEN @includedColList IS NOT NULL THEN ' INCLUDE (' + @includedColList + ') ' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @is_filtered = 1 THEN ' WHERE ( ' + @filterDefinition + ' ) ' ELSE '' END + ' WITH ( PAD_INDEX = ' + CASE WHEN @is_padded = 1 THEN 'ON,' ELSE 'OFF,' END + ' FILLFACTOR = ' + CASE WHEN @fillfactor = 0 THEN '100' ELSE CAST((ISNULL(CAST(@fillfactor AS INT),100)) AS VARCHAR(3)) END + ', ' + ' IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ' + CASE WHEN @ignoredupkey = 1 THEN 'ON,' ELSE 'OFF,' END + ' ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ' + CASE WHEN @allow_row_locks = 1 THEN 'ON,' ELSE 'OFF,' END + ' ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ' + CASE WHEN @allow_page_locks = 1 THEN 'ON,' ELSE 'OFF,' END + ' SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ' + CASE WHEN @sort_in_tempdb = 1 THEN 'ON,' ELSE 'OFF,' END + ' STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = ' + CASE WHEN @statistics_norecompute = 1 THEN 'ON,' ELSE 'OFF,' END + ' DROP_EXISTING = ' + CASE WHEN @drop_existing = 1 THEN 'ON,' ELSE 'OFF,' END + ' ONLINE = ' + CASE WHEN @online = 1 THEN 'ON,' ELSE 'OFF,' END + ' MAXDOP = ' + CAST((ISNULL(CAST(@maxdop AS INT),0)) AS VARCHAR(1)) + ', ' + ' DATA_COMPRESSION = ' + CASE WHEN @data_compression = 1 THEN QUOTENAME(@data_compression_type,'''') ELSE 'NONE' END + ' );' -- reset and increment SET @colList = NULL SET @includedColList = NULL FETCH NEXT FROM cur_ForEachIndex INTO @schemaName, @tableName, @indexName END ---- BEGINNING OF TEST CODE --CREATE SCHEMA test --GO --CREATE TABLE test.TableWithIndexes ( -- productId INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, -- productName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, -- colour VARCHAR(20) NULL, -- dateAvailable DATE NULL, -- price MONEY NULL, -- discontinued BIT DEFAULT 0 NULL -- ) --INSERT INTO test.TableWithIndexes --VALUES (1, 'Defrabuliser', 'Blue', '2009-04-30', 19.99, 0), -- (15, 'Unbobulator', 'Green', '2012-01-13', 85.00, 0), -- (22, 'Disbibulator', NULL, '2012-11-18', 12.50, 0), -- (89, 'Bishbosher', 'Orange', '2008-05-23', 109.99, 1), -- (101, 'Jambasher', 'Yellow', '2001-03-03', 3.99, 0) ---- create PK/clustered index with padding/fill factor --ALTER TABLE test.TableWithIndexes ADD CONSTRAINT ix_pk_productId PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (productId) --WITH (PAD_INDEX = ON, FILLFACTOR=90) ---- create non-clustered non-covering indexes with single column --CREATE INDEX ix_nc_productName ON test.TableWithIndexes (productName) --CREATE INDEX ix_nc_dateAvailable ON test.TableWithIndexes (dateAvailable) ---- create non-clustered non-covering index with multiple columns --CREATE INDEX ix_nc_productName_price ON test.TableWithIndexes (productName, price) ---- create non-clustered covering index with multiple columns and INCLUDEs --CREATE INDEX ix_nc_productId_productName_dateAvailable_iPrice_iDiscontinued ON test.TableWithIndexes (productId, productName, dateAvailable) --INCLUDE ( price, discontinued ) ---- create non-clustered filtered covering index with an INCLUDE --CREATE INDEX ix_nc_productId_iPrice_filtered ON test.TableWithIndexes ( productId ) INCLUDE ( price ) WHERE ( price < 10 ) ---- execute the procedure --EXEC dbo.recreateIndexes ---- now test the indexes work! --DROP INDEX [ix_nc_dateAvailable] ON test.TableWithIndexes --DROP INDEX [ix_nc_productId_iPrice_filtered] ON test.TableWithIndexes --DROP INDEX [ix_nc_productId_productName_dateAvailable_iPrice_iDiscontinued] ON test.TableWithIndexes --DROP INDEX [ix_nc_productName] ON test.TableWithIndexes --DROP INDEX [ix_nc_productName_price] ON test.TableWithIndexes ---- pasted from Messages tab --CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_nc_dateAvailable] ON [test].[TableWithIndexes] (dateAvailable) WITH ( PAD_INDEX = OFF, FILLFACTOR = 100, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, MAXDOP = 1, DATA_COMPRESSION = NONE ); --CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_nc_productId_iPrice_filtered] ON [test].[TableWithIndexes] (productId) INCLUDE (price) WHERE ( ([price]<(10)) ) WITH ( PAD_INDEX = OFF, FILLFACTOR = 100, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, MAXDOP = 1, DATA_COMPRESSION = NONE ); --CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_nc_productId_productName_dateAvailable_iPrice_iDiscontinued] ON [test].[TableWithIndexes] (productId, productName, dateAvailable) INCLUDE (price, discontinued) WITH ( PAD_INDEX = OFF, FILLFACTOR = 100, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, MAXDOP = 1, DATA_COMPRESSION = NONE ); --CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_nc_productName] ON [test].[TableWithIndexes] (productName) WITH ( PAD_INDEX = OFF, FILLFACTOR = 100, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, MAXDOP = 1, DATA_COMPRESSION = NONE ); --CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_nc_productName_price] ON [test].[TableWithIndexes] (productName, price) WITH ( PAD_INDEX = OFF, FILLFACTOR = 100, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, MAXDOP = 1, DATA_COMPRESSION = NONE ); -- END OF TEST CODE END